One of our volunteers providing a scarf trying demonstration to staff at Charing Cross Hospital

Without Volunteers, HeadWrappers cannot support and help to increase the confidence of people affected by hair loss due to cancer treatment.
Without Volunteers, HeadWrappers cannot support and help to increase the confidence of people affected by hair loss due to cancer treatment.
Clients are at the heart of HeadWrappers and through support and commitment of our volunteers, we can reach out to increasing numbers of people with cancer, across London and the South East.

hair loss advisors
Hair Loss Advisors show clients how to make the most of hats, scarves and hair pieces as an alternative to wearing a wig. Tips are also given on how to look after the hair and scalp, before, during and after treatment.
We are constantly increasing the venues we offer services at in London and the South East, please visit our page here to for further information.
We ask for up to one day a month to help provide this service. Full training is given, and refresher courses are held annually. We ask our volunteers to make themselves available for these courses.
Service Centre Ambassadors help to ensure that our information and resources are readily available at a local service centre. There is no set time to make these visits, but they should be at regular intervals, to ensure information is current.

We welcome volunteering enquiries and adhere to a strict standard of conduct to ensure our clients always receive the highest standard of support possible. Therefore we ask our volunteers to:
• Always treat other people with respect and consideration.
• Recognise the value of everyone’s role and the part they play in the success of HeadWrappers.
• Recognise their role as an ambassador for HeadWrappers and act accordingly.
• Act in a way that does not exclude or discriminate against others.
• Follow the guidelines given to you as part of the training and to keep up to date with any additional information or training provided.
• Respect the confidentiality of both HeadWrappers and clients.
a trustee
Cris' Volunteering Story
Jane's Story
Andrew's Story

I was in full time employment but after my breast cancer experience a few years previously, I felt as if I wanted to do something else. My employer agreed to allow me to take unpaid one days leave per month and so I started to look for a suitable volunteering role.
Breast Cancer Care wanted Headstrong advisors and were only looking for one day a month. With my personal diagnosis and hair loss experience I was duly recruited as a volunteer by them.
Following the ceasing of the Headstrong service, myself and two fellow teammates decided to create HeadWrappers – the rest is history.
What stemmed from a restless need to do something worthwhile coupled with an employer’s willingness to assist in my request and the flexibility of only having to commit to volunteer once a month has led to the HeadWrappers charity!
(You’ll often see Cris modelling scarves and headwear on our social media pages!)
I volunteered for HeadWrappers as I wanted a volunteer role that would make a difference to people, and that’s exactly what this charity is all about. Working as part of a small team I can make a practicable difference to how people feel and how they manage their lives while they are undergoing cancer treatment. As a bonus, we usually get to see our clients have more than a few laughs while we deliver our sessions!
Working as a HeadWrappers volunteer is a really varied role that constantly challenges me, as I never know how clients will be feeling at a session. I don’t think that any specific skills are needed for the role - we have all come to the team with different backgrounds and experiences - but by sharing those we are able to make sure that we give our clients the best experience possible.
I like that the role doesn’t require regular hours, which works really well with other aspects of my life, but I do find that doing regular sessions at a site means that it feels familiar when I get there and that I get to know the staff.
About ten years ago my Mum went through treatment for cancer and lost her hair. Knowing how difficult that time was for her, I decided to volunteer with HeadWrappers in any way I could.
I am no good at tying scarves, so instead I help with the more computer-based tasks.